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To recommend an app for our set of iPads, click here.
To view the Internet Safety for Kids presentation, click here.
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The St. Paul Acceptable Use Policy may be found on p. 41 of this document.
I'll list links here that you might be interested in using in your classroom.
- 77 educational games and game builders:
- Math and reading games for preK-8:
- iTunes U has a lot of materials created for the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations called Michigan MI Learning.
- A link to the blog that was used for the iPads in the Classroom conference I went to in October:
- is a terrific website for K-5. Lots of games broken out by subject and grade level.
- FOSSweb is the companion site to our science kits. Lots of great enrichment stuff!
- Harcourt Math is the companion site to our math series. Math games and interactive lessons broken down by chapter/lesson. You'll need a textbook in front of you if you are signing in for the first time.
- The children's author Jan Brett has a great website for kids! Go to The interactive games only work with Internet Explorer.
- Grammar Bytes: Interactive grammar games.
- Apple Education Apps:
- ReadWriteThink has great interactive resources for reading/writing.
- History Animated brings complicated military maps from the Revolutionary War through WWII alive.
- Catholic Schools Week resources at
- The following sites are science fair resources:
- An awesome pdf document with MANY apps for special education purposes broken down by category (communication, reading, writing, art, math, etc.).
- Free Technology for Teachers is a great blog with lots of technology for education. Each blog post explains the usefulness of the particular program and its' applications for education.